
Solar System Checks



At Velocity Solar, we understand the importance of maintaining your solar system to ensure it operates at peak efficiency.

Regular system checks not only extend the lifespan of your equipment but also maximise your energy savings. Our dedicated team provides thorough inspections and maintenance to keep your solar system running smoothly year round.


Why Regular Solar System Checks are Essential

  • Optimise Efficiency: Regular checks ensure that your solar panels and inverter are operating at their highest efficiency, providing you with maximum energy output.
  • Extend System Lifespan: Maintenance helps prevent potential issues from becoming major problems, thereby extending the lifespan of your solar system.
  • Safety Assurance: Routine inspections help identify and rectify any safety concerns, ensuring your system is safe for your home and family.
  • Maintain Warranties: Many manufacturer warranties require regular maintenance to remain valid. Our checks help you comply with these requirements.
  • Maximise Savings: By ensuring your system is performing optimally, you can maximise the financial savings from your solar investment.

Thorough Solar Maintenance Inspections

Along with fundamental solar maintenance we also include a thorough inspection of your solar system using advanced technical equipment that can identify present at the time of inspection.  From this we will provide a comprehensive maintenance report showing faults identified and recommendations to address these.

Geelong Solar System Health Checks

Velocity Solar can organise a solar maintenance check-up for all Geelong customers.  This can be a one off check-up or booked in yearly.  Customers benefit from registering for the program if they have recently purchased a home with solar power or are selling your home with solar power.  Additionally, if you have experienced a natural disaster and require an insurance evaluation of your system or perhaps you are concerned about the quality of the installation and would like an independent evaluation to check safety and compliance as a precaution.

Solar System Check List

  • Check Signage
  • Cleaning of PV array, including remove debris from under or around the array and cabling.
  • Check wiring integrity, compliance and mechanical protection.
  • Verify open circuit voltage and short circuit current values.
  • Solar system performance.
  • Check mounting structure.
  • Test operation of all AC and DC switches.
  • Check solar panels are functioning.
  • Verify status of surge arrestors.
  • In addition we can service/repair, or if necessary replace, any trouble parts and components of your solar power system.  In most occasions this happens on the spot.
  • Specialise testing of Micro inverters.

Trust Velocity Solar for all your solar system maintenance needs.

We are dedicated to keeping your system efficient, safe, and cost effective.

Get in contact with us today to find out more information for maintaining your solar system.

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